Navigating #MedComms: from work experience to the freelance life

Hi Reader

Had you heard of MedComms when you were 15? I certainly hadn't! I've had a request from a school in London asking for a work experience opportunity in the spring/summer for a Year 10 student who is keen to become a medical writer. If you work for an agency based in London that might be able to help, please let me know!

If you're actually hoping to start your own MedComms career but are a little beyond Year 10 work experience, you might find the First MedComms Job event at the University of Manchester on Thursday 21st March useful. I'll be there, along with Hannah Leeper from Zenopa, Peter Llewellyn and a host of agency teams. I'm sure it's going to be a great day so do come along!

I'm pretty sure anyone already in MedComms is fairly adept with PowerPoint, but no matter your skill level, I always recommend checking out BrightCarbon's resources and free training sessions. On Thursday 14th March at 4pm UK time, they are running an advanced visualisation workshop. I'll be there (as a participant this time!) and I'm sure I'll learn something useful.

Another resource I love is the Write Medicine podcast with Alex Howson, so I'm very excited to let you know that I joined Alex for a recent episode – The Art of Storytelling: Engaging Clinical Audiences! We had a really wide-ranging conversation, including my top tips for structuring a compelling story as a medical writer. If you listen to it, I'd love to hear what you think – just reply to this email and let me know.

I've also got back to creating YouTube videos, and released one around business planning for freelancers. While it was created as New Year video, I think business planning is something that we need to keep on our radar throughout the year as freelancers, and it's never too late to start the process.

And I recently joined Lisa Baker, Laura Kehoe and Peter Llewellyn for a webinar discussing at the results from the #MedComms Freelancing Barometer 2024. It was a fun conversation, but we barely scratched the surface of the data. You can dig into the results yourself, and join the conversation on LinkedIn.

Peter and I are using the results around training and support for freelancers to enhance the MedComms Workbook offering. If you're a freelancer and haven't subscribed yet, now is a great time to join – there are lots of exciting plans afoot!

All the best


MedComms Mentor

Hi! I'm Eleanor Steele, the MedComms Mentor.

I provide specialist training and mentoring to medical writers of all career stages, and consultancy to MedComms agencies to help them build and nurture their teams of medical writers.

Read more from Hi! I'm Eleanor Steele, the MedComms Mentor.

Hi Reader #MedComms day is nearly here! On Wednesday 12th June, we will celebrate all the quirks and wonder of working in MedComms. You can find the full list of events on – including things happening online and in-person – but I wanted to tell you about the two I'll be hosting. At 10:30 BST, I'll be taking a break with coffee and cake for the Great MedComms Workbook Bake Off. If you're a freelancer, why don't you join me? It shouldn't just be the agencies that have all the...

Hi Reader I am thrilled to announce that I am taking over the management of the MedComms Workbook service for freelancers in MedComms from its founder, Peter Llewellyn. We’re working together closely during the transition, and both hope it will go from strength to strength. As part of this transition, we’ve launched a community on the Heartbeat platform for the Workbook subscribers. This online space is dedicated to fostering connections, sharing knowledge, and supporting freelancers. You can...

Hi Reader Last Wednesday I joined Annette Keith and Liz Stutz on a webinar hosted by Peter Llewellyn to discuss whether we are facing a new era in MedComms. You can watch the recording here – it was a lively discussion – but we had so much to say that we didn't have a chance to answer the many, many questions that came flooding in from the audience. To put that right, we're having another go! You can join us on Friday 9th February at 11am UK time. We've collected the questions and comments...